1. 王荣明,岳明 等著,低维磁性材料,科学出版社,2020年5月。
2. 王荣明,潘曹峰,耿东生 等编著,新型纳米材料与器件,化学工业出版社,2020年12月。
3. Rongming Wang and co-editors, Progress in Nanoscale Characterization and Manipulation, Peking University Press and Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., Singapore, 2018.
4. 王荣明主编,王琛、张洪洲、陶靖、白雪冬等编著,纳米表征与调控研究进展,北京大学出版社,2017年5月。
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6. X.F. Wang, R.M. Wang* and co-authors, Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed. 53 (2014) 1849.
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8. H.S. Fan, R.M. Wang* and co-authors, Nano Energy 48 (2018) 1.
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12. F.T. Li, R.M. Wang* and co-authors, Science Bulletin 64 (2019) 698.
13. Z.H. Zhang, R.M. Wang* and co-authors, Adv. Sci. 9 (2022) 2105201.
14. H.Y. Ye, R.M. Wang* and co-authors, Small Methods, 6 (2022) 202200171.
15. Y.P. Lv, R.M. Wang* and co-authors, Chem. Eng. J. 382 (2020) 122794.
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20. X.D. Wang, R.M. Wang* and co-authors, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12 (2020) 53774.
21. Y.A. Moe, R.M. Wang* and co-authors, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10 (2018) 40246.
22. X.J. Chen, R.M. Wang* and co-authors, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9 (2017) 18774.
23. X.J. Chen, R.M. Wang* and co-authors, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8 (2016) 10841.
24. Y.C. Zhu, R.M. Wang* and co-authors, Nano Res. 15 (2022) 8493.
25. B.X. Liu, R.M. Wang* and co-authors, Nano Res. 14 (2021) 982.
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27. Y.H. Sun, R.M. Wang* and co-authors, Nano Res. 12 (2019) 947.
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(4)王荣明,爱思唯尔2021中国高被引学者,For exceptional research performance in the field of物理学,2022.4.14.
(5)王荣明,爱思唯尔2020中国高被引学者,For exceptional research performance in the field of物理学,2021.4.22.