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    2005/9 - 2011/1 永利集团3044am官方入口,热能工程专业获博士学位
    1998/9 - 2001/4 永利集团3044am官方入口,应用数学专业获硕士学位
    1994/9 - 1998/7 山西大学师范学院,基础数学专业获学士学位


    2001/4 -至今 永利集团3044am官方入口应用数学系教师
    2016/09-2017/09 美国Texas A&M University数学系访问学者


    1. 2018.01-2019.12,高校重点外专项目, 基于OpenFoam 平台的非牛顿流体流动与传热的数值模拟研究;
    2. 2021.01-2021.12, XX环境安全风险指数模型及应变能力量化评估模型构建;
    3. 2015.01-2015.12,国家自然科学基金委员会, 分数阶粘弹性/基纳米流体剪切流动与传热问题研究;
    4. 2019.06-2022.07,永利集团3044am官方入口青年教学骨干人才重点项目;
    5. 2016.09-2019.09,公共数学课程“分层次多模块”教学研究与实践的教学改革,校级重点项目。
    6. 2018.07-2021.07,研究生数学模型MOOC课程建设重点项目.
    7. 2012.01-2013.12,中央高校基本科研业务费,基于微尺度非牛顿流体滑移流动及其热输运机理研究;

    1. Jing Zhu, Dan Yang Liancun Zheng, XinXin Zhang, Effects of second order velocity slip and nanoparticles migration on flow of Buongiorno nanofluid. Applied Mathematics Letters, 52(2016):183-191. ESI高被引论文 二区SCI论文
    2. Yaxin Xu Jing Zhu; Liancun Zheng, Xinhui Si. Non-Newtonian biomagnetic fluid flow through a stenosed bifurcated artery with a slip boundary condition,Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English, 38(1) ( 2020):125-136. 二区SCI论文
    3. Jing Zhu, Yaxin Xu, Xiang Han. A Non-Newtonian Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Nanofluid Flow and Heat Transfer with Nonlinear Slip and Temperature Jump,Mathematics, 7(2019): 1199-1219. 二区SCI论文
    4. Jing Zhu, Jiahui Cao Effects of Nanolayer and Second Order Slip on Unsteady Nanofluid Flow Past a Wedge,Mathematics, 7(2019): 1043-1055. 二区SCI论文
    5. Chenqing Feng, Botong Li ,Xinhui Si ,Wei Wang, Jing Zhu, The electro-osmotic flow and heat transfer of generalized Maxwell fluids with distributedorder time-fractional characteristics in microtubules under an alternating field, Physics of Fluids,33, 113105 (2021),一区SCI论文.
    6. Limei Cao, Peipei Zhang, Botong Li, Jing Zhu, Xinhui Si Numerical study of rotating electro-osmotic flow of double layers with a layer of fractional second-order fluid in a microchannel, 2021,111,106633,一区SCI论文.
    7. Yeh, J, Chen, G , Gu, C; Thurman, J ; Sergeev, A ; Wei, CQ ; Zhu, J ; Hajaiej, H ; Shang, YF; Zhu, F ; Mustafa, MT. Computational modeling and forensic analysis for terrorist airplane bombing: A case study. ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS, 2019, 137-160. 二区SCI论文
    8. Chenqing Feng, Xinhui Si, Botong Li, Limei Cao , Jing Zhu , An inverse problem to simulate the transport of chloride in concrete by time–space fractional diffusion model,Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2021, SCI论文.
    9. Jing Zhu; Liu, Ye; Cao, Jiahui, Effects of Second-Order Velocity Slip and the Different Spherical Nanoparticles on Nanofluid Flow, SYMMETRY-BASEL, 2021,13(1): 19-32. SCI论文
    10. Jiahui Cao, Jing Zhu, Xinhui Si,Botong Li, The effect of second order slip condition on MHD nanofluid flow around a semi-circular cylinder,ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION A-A JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A-A Journal of Physical Sciences 2021.12,WOS:000731911600001 SCI论文
    11. Jing Zhu, Shengnan Wang, Liancun Zheng, XinXin Zhang, Heat transfer of nanofluids considering nanoparticle migration and second-order slip velocity. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English, 38(1) ( 2017):125-136. SCI论文
    12. Qianfang Liu, Jing Zhu, Mohsin Bin, Hydromagnetic flow and heat transfer with various nanoparticle additives past a wedge with high order velocity slip and temperature jump. Canadian Journal of Physics, 95(5) ( 2017): 440-449 SCI论文
    13. Jing Zhu, Pengfei Chu, Jiani Sui. Exact Analytical Nanofluid Flow and Heat Transfer Involving Asymmetric Wall Heat Fluxes with Nonlinear Velocity Slip. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, (2018), SCI论文
    14. Jing Zhu, Dan Yang, Liancun Zheng, XinXin Zhang, Second-order slip effects on heat transfer of nanofluid with Reynold's model of viscosity in a coaxial cylinder, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation , 10/2015; 16(6):285-292. SCI论文
    15. Jing Zhu, Zheng Liu, Liancun Zheng, XinXin Zhang, Second order slip MHD flow and heat transfer of nanofluids with thermal radiation and chemical reaction, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 36(2015)1131-1146. SCI论文
    16. Jing Zhu, Lian-Cun Zheng. Effect of slip condition on MHD stagnation-point flow over a power-law stretching sheet, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2010,31(4), 439-448. SCI论文.
    17. Jing Zhu, Lian-Cun Zheng,Xin-xin Zhang. The influence of thermal radiation on MHD station-point flow past a stretching sheet with the heat generation,Acta Mechanica Sinica , 2011,27(4) , SCI论文.
    18. Jing Zhu, Lian-Cun Zheng,Xin-xin Zhang . Analytic solution of stagnation-point flow and heat transfer over a stretching sheet based on homotopy analysis, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2009,30(4) 463-474. SCI. Jing Zhu, Lian-Cun Zheng,Xin-xin Zhang. Hydrodynamic plane and axisymmetric slip stagnation-point flow with thermal radiation and temperature jump, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 25 (7) (2011) 1837-1844,SCI论文
    19. 朱婧,司新辉. 疫情背景下微积分“课程思政”的教学探索与实践[J], 大学数学,2021,37(1): 33-38. 教务处奖励期刊论文
    20. 朱婧,申亚男,张志刚. 数学模型“课程思政”的思考与教学实践[J], 大学数学, 2019(6): 27-31. 教务处奖励期刊论文
    21. 朱婧, 明春英, 郑连存. 基于研究型教学理念的数学建模和最优化课程建设,大学数学, 2014(30): 143-147. 教务处奖励期刊论文


    2022年负责的《数学模型》课程被评为教育部在线教育研究中心“拓金计划”示范课程和北京高校课程思政示范课程;2021年全国大学生数学建模竞赛优秀指导教师,北京市大学生数学建模与计算机应用竞赛优秀指导教师,北京市课程思政教学名师;2020年永利集团3044am官方入口教学名师,作为主要成员主讲的微积分A是“首批国家级线下一流本科课程”,参编的教材《高等数学》是“北京高校优质本科教材”;2019年被Appl. Math. Mech. -Engl. Ed.(SCI期刊)评为杰出作者;;2016年北京市大学生数学建模竞赛优秀指导教师;2004年永利集团3044am官方入口第九届青年教师课堂评比二等奖; 2003年永利集团3044am官方入口第四届青年教师基本功比赛二等奖; 近5年,带领数学建模团队指导本科生获全国一等奖5队,全国二等奖24队,北京市一等奖64队,北京市二等奖82队;指导本科生获美国大学生数模竞赛特等奖提名5队,一等奖26个队,二等奖85个队。





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